7 Facts and myths about collagen unveiled

In the eternal quest for youthful beauty and a healthy body, there is one essential protein that is receiving increasing attention: collagen. It is the most abundant protein in our body. However, there is much speculation and discussion surrounding collagen. So let's dive into the truth about collagen. Is it the fountain of youth or just a passing trend?

1. Collagen decreases as you age

That's correct. Our body produces and breaks down collagen in a continuous cycle throughout our lives. As we age, the natural production of collagen gradually declines, leading to issues like wrinkles and stiff joints.

2. You can’t influence collagen production in your body

This is not true. A healthy lifestyle supports your collagen levels. For example, we know that smoking and excessive sun exposure speed up the collagen breakdown. By eating a healthy and varied diet, and staying hydrated, you can increase the collagen production in your body.

3. All collagen supplements are the same, regardless of type or source

This is not true. There are different types of collagen, such as type I, type II, and type III. Type I is the most common in our body and plays a crucial role in the structure of the skin, teeth, tendons, and bones. Type II is predominantly found in cartilage and is important for joint flexibility. Type III is present in the skin and blood vessels, working together with type I to maintain tissue elasticity. The choice of supplement depends on your specific needs.

4. You can obtain collagen from food

That's correct. In food, collagen is naturally found only in meat and fish that contain connective tissue. You can also consume certain foods to stimulate collagen production. Foods rich in nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, amino acids, and antioxidants help in collagen production. For example citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, or nuts.

5. Collagen supplements lead to quick weight loss

This is not true. Collagen plays a vital role in your body but does not directly impact weight loss. It does not affect fat burning or your metabolism. However, collagen can help maintain a healthy weight by preserving muscle mass. Additionally, when undergoing significant weight loss, it can help keep the skin elastic.

6. Collagen supplements are not suitable for vegetarians

This is not true. While collagen is often derived from animal sources like bones, cartilage, or skin, you can also obtain collagen from eggshell membrane. This thin membrane is visible when peeling a hard-boiled egg.  All three types of collagen can be found in it and it’s suitable for individuals following a vegetarian diet. If you follow a vegan diet and do not consume eggs, you can take supplements that promote collagen production.

7. Collagen supplements help you achieve a more youthful appearance

That's true! The specific effects may vary for each person, but consistent intake of collagen can contribute to numerous health benefits that impact your appearance. Collagen promotes skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles, supports healthy hair and strong nails, and can help reduce cellulite and stretch marks by firming the skin. 

We believe that nourishing your body from the inside has a significant impact on the outside. That's why Supprior embraces the many benefits collagen has to offer.  Not as a miracle cure, but as a support to work towards a happier and healthier you.